Iamik's Chicken and Beer

Iamik's Chicken and Beer
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77 Tres Borces Padres St, Cebu City

Google Plus Code 7Q258WC6+4V 8WC6+4V Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines

Phone: 0977 751 0929

iamik’s Chicken & Beer is a resto bar located in the fairly quiet street in Tres Borces, Mabolo, Cebu City. It is a place where you can chillax (chill out and relax) and have a mouth watering chicken dishes in homey atmosphere with a fusion of Filipino and Japanese style. Unique set up of low tables and pillows await our guests for them to relax and enjoy the food and good service. We have a Private Room for closed door meeting or dinner. You can find here the best chicken dish with a twist and will bring together reggae aficionados,alternative rock lovers, R&B craze fanatics, young professionals and tourists. Kitakits ug Tagay Na.